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You might think it reckless to accept an assignment to follow Bobby Kennedy when I’d never written a political story—but, in doing so, I got to interview Kennedy just before he was killed.
You may find it hard to imagine me pulling on hooker boots and hot pants to hit the streets of New York—but it allowed me to expose the violence in the prostitution game and shut down the landlords of Hell’s Bedroom.
You probably think it was brash to follow Hillary Clinton into the ladies’ room—but I did. It was the beginning of a decade of Hillary watching for Vanity Fair and a biography, Hillary’s Choice.
After I wrote Passages and spent five decades asking thousands of women and men the hard questions, I decided it was time to turn the lens on my own life’s passages. I had to write a memoir. It wasn’t until I was nearly finished with it that I saw the theme of my life…DARING. It’s a love story.
Daring: My Passages is about my passion for finding the story and breaking cultural taboos. It’s about daring to love, survive betrayal, build a thrilling career, and wait until middle age to remarry and start over in my second adulthood.
- Daring is what allowed me to outwit the gender barriers.
- Daring is what enabled me to struggle for years as a single mother.
- Daring is what it took to resist remarriage until I was secure in my own identity.
And, after the death of my beloved husband of 24 years, I even dared to love again.
I hope my early passages excite today’s young women to dare. I trust my later life experiences will assure seasoned women that exhilaration lies in continuing to be passionate about changing the world and hopeful about finding love after loss.